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logos ......................................$150
business cards ......................  $150
brochures .............................. $300+
postcards .............................. $150
programs ...............................$300

presentations.......................... $200+

book design............................ $800+


Full editing package includes proofreading and editing content using Microsoft Word or PDF to ensure correct use of style, grammar, punctuation, content.

1-2 pages ..................,... $75

3-6 pages ...................... $100

6-10 pages .....................$200+

10+ pages  .................... $30/hr




5-page website design ................  $500
10-page website design ..............  $750


Proofreading-only package includes correction of basic grammar, spelling, punctuation.

1-2 pages ..................... $50

3-6 pages ..................... $75

6-10 pages ....................$100+

10+ pages .................... $30/hr


5-page web content  ...................  $500
10-page web content .................  $1,000
quality assurance .........................  $30/hr

articles .........................................  $2/word

press releases .................................$75
bios, half page .................................$50

bios, full page .................................$100


{events & products}

Please contact me for prices on party and event planning and any of my customized products.

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